It’s happened to me before and each time the frustration grows a little bit more but it subsides and my normally generous nature gets the better of my writing anything down that I would someday possibly regret. But today I was pushed over the edge by someone and have to simply write about it to (mostly) just get it out there and see if there is any resonance with others about this feeling or if I have REALLY finally slipped below the baseline of what is “generally accepted practice” in our business society. Do you ever have the feeling that sometimes – maybe JUST SOMEtimes – people use technology as an excuse to look better socially than they should?
I am talking about that e-mail that is sent MOMENTS before you are set to enter a meeting or walk in the door of your next appointment (after a 30 minute drive through rush hour traffic) as if just sending it absolves the sender of any responsibility for having inconvenienced you. This time it was a meeting at someone’s office. The kind-faced gentle and VERY apologetic young lady greeted me at the door (I really got the impression that this was NOT her favorite part of the job but that she had become used to doing it because she’s done it so many times before) with “I’m so sorry but we tried to reach you by e-mail… Oh you DIDN’T get the note? Well my boss has been unavoidably delayed in
When we treat people in a way that says “I don’t value you” we offend them. Why not simply say “I don’t think we have any business to discuss so I am not going to be able to make an appointment right now”. It’s because we all function on a bit of uncertainty. We don’t KNOW that we don’t have any business to discuss. The problem is that it is a round SMALL world that is getting ever-smaller. I happen to know people who INVESTED in the company run by this individual and who are genuinely value-driven people. They would be APPALLED by this “KISS up, SPIT down” attitude. We need to treat all people with respect. One never knows where that will lead. It MAY even be good business practice!
1 comment:
Hi Adi!
May I just say how much I enjoy reading your blogs (especially because a lot these topics are things I think about myself). I'm totally with you on the whole Blackberry shebang! For a communication tool, it's only deteriorated people's communication abilities.
But what peeves me more is when you are in a meeting with someone, and talking to them ... and they are playing with their Blackberry! I have seen this in seminars and conferences ... but (and how sad am I to have to say this) in personal meetings, where the only other person (besides the client) was my boss! We were talking to the client, and he was messaging with his phone. *sigh*
I wish people would understand how unprofessional such behaviour is.
It is so disrespectful, and really just plain bad manners, when someone has taken the trouble to come all the way to talk with you, and you rather choose to send texts to others than listen to the intelligent things they brought to say to you.
Oh, and by the way, even with the obsessive checking of emails - I have found many of these "Blackberry'ers" (or should we call it Black-barrier) are still unable to respond on time, and/or remember meetings.
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