Friday, October 16, 2009

Free Software can be SO good

I recently had trouble opening files that people sent to me which they had been made with the most recent version of Microsoft's famous Office suite of software (you know, the ones with the docx, pptx, etc endings). Of course, I was a bit dismayed that I would have to now spend some more hard-earned cash just to stay up with the moving times in the word processing software (I still think Wordstar was one of the best for the buck! YES I'm that old!!). A friend of mine told me about Sun Microsystem's Open Office suite of software and so I went out and downloaded it thinking "what difference could it make? If it doesn't work I can always just uninstall it and go out and spend my money." I am in AWE that a suite so good and apparently complete can be absolutely FREE! There IS a God!! I am happily using it for the time being and I would recommend ANYONE to try it out. The added advantage is that it opens a wide variety of file types and saves data in a wide variety of formats too. The spreadsheet part for example opens old Excel files absolutely without problems. and the ones I made in this software and saved to the old xls format opened in my old copy of Office PERFECTLY.

It started me thinking how the writers of this software make money and FOR SURE they didn't make as much as Office has made it's parent company. But do we all NEED to get filthy rich? Can we not just enjoy being happy and a LITTLE rich? you have helped me believe in people again!